How is Digital Technology Changing The Way We Think?

In this GPERS lesson, we were exploring how technology is changing our minds and how we think. To look further into this question we split into groups and read articles to use as the base for a discussion about the topic of the article and how it has affected us in our daily life.

Article Used – Taking photographs & memory

GROUP DISCUSSION AUDIO – Kai En, Swayam, Shawn & I

How is Digital Technology changing the way we think? – 

After this discussion, I feel that digital technology is changing the way we think by changing our thought process. In class, we were shown videos about how now we think more about where we can find information (using the internet) instead of what the actual information is, and how we also use translocative memory to be able to remember specific things instead of just remembering them ourselves.

Some of the causes that were explored were us being able to find information easily and efficiently online, The consequences of our change in thought process, which directly affects us in what could be potential daily experiences, one being about our ability to remember things during split decisions, an example used was when a pilot had to stop using autopilot during a storm and used the wrong procedure which resulted in death for everyone on board.

Another consequence was that we weren’t completely reliant on ourselves for information. I think this is strong evidence to how we have changed as human beings, even though it doesn’t have an extreme impact on our actual brain and no significant effect on our long and short term memory so far, the evidence still shows proof of a change.

I hold this perspective because from what I’ve seen so far, including personal experiences, I think that comparing our recent generations that are considered more technologically advanced and are using technology more than previous generations to generations where technology wasn’t used regularly, I can’t see a distinct difference between thought processes apart from maybe priorities and the ability to find information.

This doesn’t really trouble me as now that I am aware of it, I can try to keep my focus on remembering pieces of information instead of just thinking about where I can find that information.

3 thoughts on “How is Digital Technology Changing The Way We Think?”

  1. Similarities and Differences between:-
    The perspective of the sources: Some of you were saying that taking a picture of the “attraction” would make you remember the attraction better, as it was also stated in the article. But in the article, it specifically talked about taking a picture of you with the attraction but you guys didn’t really talk about that, you talked more about just a picture of the attraction.
    My perspective: I agree with you guys, I believe that if you do talk a picture then you can remember it better, but I also believe that you shouldn’t only take pictures but you should also be able to lve in the moment and enjoy the present.

  2. I enjoy the fact that the post is quite concise as it draws attention towards your opinion. I also love how you looked into the shortcomings of the sources as well as talking about the importance of living in the momemnt.

  3. I think it is a very interesting discovery that now we tend to remember where to find information instead of actually remembering it. I agree with you, I don’t feel like its a really big deal. If we have the tools to access information efficiently I don’t think it matters too much. Though I feel, this could be a problem when we don’t have access to our devices since we will need to remember information. I feel like people should still try to work on retaining knowledge, especially if that information would be really useful in an emergency situation. What do you think?

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