My High School Story

Christina Lau – My Life Now

After hearing Christina Lau, I find it is really interesting how one incident can change the rest of your life. Christina’s accident, which happened in 2005, has shaped her life so significantly, she is a completely different person. Before the car accident, she worked as a prison officer and was a very active human being. Now, she’s an artist and a new person.

When asked how her life was different now, Christina told us that the first thing she learnt was how to accept help. She is paralysed from the chest down, meaning there are many things that Christina cannot do on her own. She learnt how to accept help from her parents, her husband, and those closest to her. Christina also said that she is less judgemental now. Of course, this is after feeling what it’s like to be disabled.

All in all, this seemingly awful accident has actually changed Christina’s life for the better in many ways; such as her attitudes towards people, opportunities, and of course, herself.

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