Izzy diary entry

She can’t control me but she thinks she can. She thinks that she can make me a mini her. To her, he thinks she is in control her controlling manners don’t work with me she thinks I am to be a mini her, but no I am me. She will never be able to control me I will never be a mini her. One day she will realise it, one day.

To what extent do you agree?

Rate each from 1-5: 1 strongly disagree and 5 strongly agree.

  1. People are happiest when they follow rules. 3/5 
  2. Rules are meant to be broken. 4/5 
  3. Children should only be raised in families that mirror their ethnicity. 2/5
  4. The best community is one in which racial and cultural differences are eliminated.1/5 
  5. A good mother will not make serious mistakes in raising her children. 1/5 
  6. Women with more financial resources make better mothers. 1/5 
  7. Teens in high school should not be parents. 5/5

Is it okay to laugh at Dark times?

I think dark humour at times could potentially offend people especially if you are not close to them or if they don’t know you well as this could be taken in the wrong way. However, like most things, I think there is a place and time for it and it could be a fine balance between right and wrong. Personally I don’t take offence to dark humour in any situation however, some people may take offence to it. In addition, I believe that there are certain levels to dark humour and it can affect many people but I think that these are the 3 main factors that could cause a person to be offended or not, persons personality, past experiences and your relationship with that person

What big and small things have changed in your life over the last few weeks? How can numbers express that?

I think many many things in our lives have changed as a result of this pandemic, we are spending most of the day at home, we aren’t seeing anyone outside our household, the norms of life have changed. I think we can really use numbers to show that, for example, we can use numbers to show the amount of time we spend on devices or the number of hours we sleep for compared to before lockdown or the number of hours of exercise we do now compared to before.

Do you think the books sitting on someone’s bookshelf say anything about that person, even if the person never reads them?

Yes, I think they do because generally, people will buy books when they take interest in that subject or topic, for example, a lot of the books I own are sport or football related. In addition, a person doesn’t have to read the book for it to represent who they are. However, in some cases, people may buy books because they watch the movie even though they don’t have a lot of interest in the topic of the book.

SWOT analysis

Based on the survey taken I will analysis my skills using SWOT to help me further understand how it will impact my project.

Strengths- Some of my strengths, in my opinion, are leadership and time management, my time management will help my project as it will able me to stay on top of my work and ensure it’s done well and on time.

Weaknesses- Could possibly be communication as I tend to try and solve the problem alone without seeking help first this can also be a positive but I think when working on an individual task sometimes it is better to seek help from a teacher when stuck.

Opportunity- One of my goals for this project is to focus on my problem solving and decision making especially when approached with a challenge or a problem within the project.

Threat- I think an obstacle that I could face during this project is the communication barrier with the home-based learning it makes it harder to interact with the teacher and other students doing projects to get help.