Grade 11 review

Grade 11 was an interesting year with many ups and downs. The impact of covid 19 made the year somewhat disrupted with the transitions through different rules within the school as well as within the country. In addition, the transitions from online learning provided a unique life-changing experience. After the growth I have shown myself through grade 11 I am looking forward to the new challenges of grade 12

Service final reflection

The year was service was an experience to remember as it helped me broaden my horizons of the world outside our privileged community even in Singapore and allowed me to give back to the community through my passion and hobby of football. I really enjoyed coaching children as it allowed me to take initiative and experience new situations. Below is the link to the planning doc for the service as well as a screenshot of some of the reflections from the group.

Creativity Final reflection

In summary, the creative process of DJ was a unique and new experience for me as I have never experienced DJ’ing before. The creative process was interesting and enlightening to see my progress as well as the progress of the piece. Shown below is a photo that I took for the school activities page of the DJ club activity. In addition, a screenshot of the software we used is provided.

How has service effected my wellness/well being ?

Through engaging and helping people through ways of global significance as well as thinking about ethical considerations in my service I can definitely say that it has positively impacted my mental wellness as it is very rewarding to know that you have helped someone as well as done a good thing to try and make our community the best it can be, This is especially rewarding when it is done through my passion and makes it a lot easier and enjoyable.

Mid year reflection for CAS Creativity

Dj club is a new experience for me and I am enjoying the new experience that I am having, I’m learning and improving new dj’ing skills, we are also planing a final performance which will be a short video of a mix of songs this planning is quite interesting to see how you have to choose songs this a theme behind them and think about how you can pair them together. Overall I am looking forward to one more season in Dj club and I am exited to see where I will be at the end of the term.

Mid year reflection for CAS activity

Halfway through my activity section of Cas and I am enjoying my training, Collaborating and working with my teammates and building a stronger bond with them is progressing well and with some new boys joining there are some challenges that come with that with building a bond with them and making sure they settle in well. My motivation is still very much there for this activity as it is my passion and I am enjoying taking part in the sessions as a player and as well getting the opportunity as players the design our own sessions. Football as an area of strength and passion for me and I am enjoying developing this area of strength and passion for myself.

English Practice IO reflection

Overall I would put myself in the range of 5-6/10, in my oral there were times where the flow was broken up and I stumbled over my words, In addition after looking back at it, my supporting points/ ideas towards my main topic could have been built upon smoother as well as could have been slightly more connected rather than making it seem very ‘jumpy’. Overall the analysis could have been more balanced between micro and macro analysis as well as using more analytical structure to my points.

Mid year reflection for CAS Service

So far the service has been very good and a new experience for me. We have been learning about different types of coaching drills and ways to coach children which are two completely new skills as the ways of coaching have had to be changed because the children are from different background

all in all the initiative towards planing drill and activities for the kids is a new experience for me

PSE Unit reflection

Over the past unit, we covered a lot of skill that could help us in our future and we also covered skills that can help us plan for our future. For example, we learnt how to write CV’s, we learnt how to manage conflict in both work environments as well as in our school environment, We also learnt about personal and professional relationships and the difference between them as well as many other aspects that could help me progress in the future. Some things that I really benefited from this unit in PSE are the CV writing as it is a real skill that. you need to master for example making sure you include that relevant info as well as being concise. In addition, the Mayers brigs test was really interesting to see and quite eye-opening.  One thing that I found challenging was. the networking although useful it was challenging to get my head around the concept as well as it is in an unnatural environment added to the challenge.