EE interim reflection

After conducting the research for my extended essay, it can be said that the research was successful especially that which included finding the trend between the independant and dependant variable and I had managed to derive the fact that the trend which I got in my experiment was the same as the one that I found out while conducting research.

I learnt that one must be resilient and willing to make mistakes while conducting research and I also understood that while carrying out a practical, one must be patient and precise and this is something that I learnt through the course of the extended essay.

I changed my dependant variable from finding out the number of moles adsorbed to the average rate of adsorption since it was more interesting to investigate and more relatable to the real life scenario.

I have developed an understanding for the use of citrus fruit peels as waste material and cheap purification techniques.

EE Reflection 1 – Joel Antony

For my extended essay, I was quite certain that I wanted to do something in Chemistry that involves a series of experiments that would put my lab skills to test. Hence I began to do some preliminary research on potential extended essay topics in the subject of Chemistry. After conducting some research, I came across this topic pertaining to biosorption of heavy metal ions by red algae. This immediately struck a chord inside me as I have never thought that an experiment like this could be carried out and after conducting further research, I managed to narrow down my research question and take note of how temperature manages to play a role in the amount of lead adsorbed by red algae. Lead has the potential of causing brain damage if consumed while present in water, hence this experiment comes as a cheaper alternative to purification techniques that are not so cost effective. Despite managing to get a base for my EE, it is time to consolidate it by carrying out some more research regarding past experiences with this particular experiment to see what would be the best way for me to carry it out.

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