G10 Mock exam

1. Personal Response

I was pretty happy with my mark because there weren’t many silly mistakes. I also improved from low 5 (Last year) to a low 6 and I felt that this is because I made sure I was prepared for the test. The paper 6 was well done, I just missed a few marks from not knowing some concepts but generally, it was good. My paper 4 was okay, it wasn’t good or bad. I didn’t know how to do some of the questions and I missed a few from not using keywords. paper 2 was the worse because I am generally bad at MCQs in all subjects. I get confused because sometimes I feel like they are all right and all wrong. I have to consolidate my understanding so I know the answer straight away.

2. Exam techniques

I think that it is very important to look back at what you have done so leave some time to review the paper during the exam. So I can spot silly mistakes. Also in science, it is important to use keywords because you can lose a lot of marks for them.

3. Keywords and equation

Physics usually have a lot of keywords compared to other sciences because they really want you to be specific. I should make a Q card with all equations. But this exam, I was okay with the equations and physics in general and I didn’t lose many marks.

osmosis, intermolecular forces, collisions, constant

4. Conceptual understanding

I think that I understood physics the most, I was able to answer the questions concisely with keywords. But chemistry caught me out a little especially remembering things such as speed for sound and name of chemicals. I also need to study the limestone.

5. Looking forward

I need to definitely practice MCQ because if I do well for that I can increase my mark for sure. I also need to revise chemistry in general because it’s my weakest subject. I find it really hard for me to understand chem.


Mocks reflection 

I started reviewing a month before because I still wanted to make sure I get sufficient sleep right before the mocks and also didn’t want to break my routine. One of the things I should be careful during exams is the amount of unhealthy food I eat. Before and during mocks, I usually felt some stress to have to take time out to study more than usual and also I wanted to do well. So every time I study, I ate some unhealthy food like chips and cookies as a reward for my self. This actually motivated me to study and made it productive, though this was an unhealthy choice for me. I need to think of a better way for myself to motivate studying.