Visual narrative reflection

In order to do this visual narrative I had to delve deeper into my foundational story and read it as a reader instead of an author so that I could imagine exactly what was going on in my head and the hard part was transitioning that into the paper in a storytelling way. I enjoyed creating this because it allowed me to explore my creative side and try a new way of telling a story. Usually I prefer to write a story because I am not too strong or confident with my drawing side but I’m glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried something new.

This especially was a very good story to tell in a visual narrative because many of its retellings have been in picture books due to its age group it targets, it is a very fun kids story and fits perfectly into the visual narrative style and I very much enjoyed expressing myself with it.

For my first panel I was a bit Hesitant on where to start because there are many variants to start this story for example, the mother sending the girl away to deliver cookies or it sometimes starts with her walking in the forest or even with the wolf’s perspective. I had to figure out which would fit best to the narrative and I chose to start it in a forest with a wide panel to show scenery and the little girl ever so innocent walking through the forest with the wolf in the corner, This was a good shot because I could use text to support it and set the scene.

Through my visual narrative Despite it being a good change for me in story telling I still found it hard to show and express everything in a panel in extreme detail because my drawings are very basic because of my artistic skill, That’s where text came in, It helped support what was in the drawing and even sometimes explain what I was actually drawing.

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