Project Week reflection

This is a reflection on project week, the planning that we did and what we completed in the time that was allotted for us to plan. Link for planning doc Link for video reflection  

What has been the biggest challenge within CAS so far?

Here is a link to the audio recording for this CAS reflection focused on LO2. Link  

How have I maintained my motivation with CAS?

This is a video reflection about maintaining my motivation with CAS, focusing on LO4. Link for reflection  

Graph reflection and future planning

This is a reflection about my experience in CAS so far and my future planning. So far, my experience doing CAS has been quite good. I have not had too many continuous stressful moments throughout, however, I do… Read More

CAS Interview #2

Here is the link to the video recording of my second CAS interview. Link to recording

Piano playing

Here is the link to my video reflection on practicing the piano during lockdown. Link to video reflection

Experience of COVID-19

This is a reflection on what I have learnt from my experience with COVID-19, and how it is affecting my ethical considerations. What am I learning from the experience of the coronavirus as a global issue? From this… Read More

International Women’s day reflection

Here is my audio reflection on LO6 and LO7 with Tanisha on equality and International Women’s day.

How does CAS impact and/or enhance my wellness?

This is a reflection on the different aspects of CAS and how they impact my wellness. I think that activity is a big part of my CAS journey and therefore has a big impact on my wellness. I… Read More

Project Week Planning Reflection

Here is the link for my video reflection on my planning process for project week, focused on the LO3 of initiative. Link for reflection  

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