EE Reflective Conversation #3

After my final conversation with my supervisor, I realized that there were areas of clarification and miscommunication in my extended essay. I justified my claims by explaining it in the viva voce talk. Throughout the process, my research skills have enhanced and I have learned t apply math in various contexts which allowed me to on my findings critically. Still, I could have improved by citing more sources and addressing more applications that branch out from this curve. However, I explored areas beyond my IB curriculum such as parameterizing a curve, deriving the general formula for the curvature of a curve using osculating circles, and finding equations of related curves to the Witch of Agnesi like evolutes, involutes, and pedal curves. Furthermore, I discovered the properties and the applications of the Witch of Agnesi in the real world which are hidden to a common man. Even though there were several obstacles in my path, I was able to push through.

Word Count: 160 words

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