Global Politics UWC Day

I used to think that global politics was purely an academic course, but now I think that it has far-reaching applications and intents.

These little drawings represent a few of the many global political issues, and aims of UWC as a whole. Both are aiming to foster peace, and educate diverse bodies of individuals about how to achieve that, as an end goal. Some of the common themes are showing compassion towards all humans, engaging with people from different cultures, and in conjunction learning more about themselves, and ourselves. I have also included references to some slowly swelling global issues like rapid population growth, which is bound to have urgent economic and political reactions; this goes hand in hand with a depiction of increased globalisation, which is currently taking the world by storm.

I think global politics is such a fantastic course because firstly, it is one of the most realistic and applicable subjects I study, and secondly, we have such a diverse class and such a wealthy variety of opinions which truly epitomises what this area of study is all about, and by extension, what all UWCs around the world aspire to achieve.

The discussion we had in the recording below started off with just some broad and overarching thoughts about the course, but then we started talking about what we would like to study after high school, in university, for example, and how studying global politics is leading to a wider appreciation for both fields. At the moment, I am strongly inclined towards pursuing the study of economics, and I feel that this course provided such a solid foundation for the more inquisitive and abstract part of that area of study.

Now I leave you with a question: how is global politics fuelling your future pursuits? Be it through provision of a strong groundwork for a career you are thinking about, or by opening your mind further to the idea of exploring new passions and interests?

First Weeks of Grade 11


  • new classes and teachers
  • some classes are harder and have more work than others
  • Orchestra is really hard and requires hours of practice each week
  • I have two magazines to sell

How have I been feeling:

  • I am only slightly stressed at the moment but it will probably get worse
  • I am also panicked about the SAT
  • I’m really looking forward to some of the activities I signed up for
  • Unit tests haven’t worried me too much yet, but that’ll probably change once the results are back


  • I have joined a lot of journalistic style activities, which is new but also something that I am interested in, it could help me further my interests
  • I feel like I will be spending a lot more time on music this year than I anticipated
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