EE Reflective Conversation #1

I have learned to apply my critical thinking skills in the EE process, as I had to refine my research question significantly from my initial idea. This required me to read and research heavily on the topic of casinos and gambling, and after evaluating whether to explore the duopoly of casinos in Singapore or the Singaporean government’s intervention in casinos, I decided to focus on the latter. I also had to channel my creative thinking skills during narrowing and researching the topic of my investigation as I needed to find a unique angle for my EE, to make it more interesting and give my analysis more depth. I decided on looking specifically at problem gambling and its addictive nature, which also an element of qualitative analysis to my investigation, as well as gives me an opportunity to extend myself in sourcing primary data, given the numerous ways to collect data on human behaviours and their effect with regards to gambling.


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