Yearbook Reflection #1

LO 5 Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

For the yearbook publication, I am the head of marketing, which means that I am in charge of a group of about 6 people, all of us working on the sales, promotion and sponsoring of the yearbook. This has obvious benefits to it, as the marketing aspect requires a lot of work to be done, so everything is much easier on all of us if there are multiple people helping out. A group this size has also proved useful in the way that all of us have more connections to staff in different departments, so it will be much easier to contact people for sponsorships, and provide a much wider target audience for marketing our publication, by getting the word out.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to working with a lot of people at once. I found that while delegating tasks, it often becomes hard to assign each person work, as everyone has things going on that they need to prioritise, and it becomes the case of everyone delaying their work or putting it off on to someone else – making it hard for everything to be done in time. Sometimes, during the activity session, it also takes a while for all of us to focus, which adds to our time crunch. I think to improve on this, we could try firstly try and find a place to work during the session away from all the other groups in the yearbook, and perhaps even allot a few people specific roles, so they would be responsible for certain types of tasks throughout the year – although this might just complicate the admin of it all and be even more inefficient.

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