Representing People – Unit Reflection

The new unit heading we will be studying is ‘Troubled Worlds: Change and Conflict’ and will be incorporating our study of Bob Dylan and Never Let Me Go, as well as the study of Non-Literary texts such as Banksy (street artist), Blade Runner, Black Mirror and other Non-Literary bodies of work.

Since the beginning of my Language and Literature experience, we have been focussing generally on Representing People, how to represent people in the “correct” ways, ways that are “incorrect”, why we should represent people, how society has changed it ways in representing; cultures, religion, race, populations and so on. I found this to be a good starter unit to what is to come in this subject as in 6 months we covered a very large topic, that could have gone on and on with more information as it is to be a personal unit as there are many perspectives you can view at one certain topic. We looked at pop-culture a lot and specifically Crazy Rich Asians, a movie released showing off Singaporean culture. Before when watching the movie, I was in a sense proud that Singapore was finally chosen for a Hollywood movie set but after watching the movie and talking in class discussions, I wondered if the Singaporean culture, in general, was being perceived correctly and how it actually looks on a day to day basis. My overall thoughts on the Crazy Rich Asians movie was that it is okay for a movie, especially this type of movie, to portray a country like so as there were no negative outtakes as it was a soppy romantic comedy. If Singapore, were to be shown in a negative light then my thoughts would be swayed. Overall, I believe that there will always be a minority group and that is hard to come to terms with. We eventually started looking at topics beyond representation such as gender.

Once we began to look at advertisements that showed what some now call poor, sexist mindsets as a class we all thought it was somewhat disgusting how a factor to advertising is that sex sells. That is usually how all the big bucks come in. I definitely feel more comfortable talking in issues such as objectifying women, with proof of this happening. We even have become so unconscious to it all around us. Sexualisation of people has become engrained in society creating a new norm. These norms of representation have all fit together very tight nit, I’d say as from one image you are able to see so many connections between concepts and ideas we have explored.

In class, we have made a large timeline of Bob Marley’s early stages of life and currently learning about what has shaped his beliefs and thoughts. His music has stuck around for generations as many believe it is a powerful message when he sings his folk songs about race and so on. In Never Let Me Go, I thought the idea of being cloned had the theme of identity stuck out the most as having your body being taken from you is literally stripping you away for your soul and mind.

I am looking forward to talking more about this in our next couple of lessons. 🙂


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