Little Fires Everywhere: Initial List

Rate each from 1-5: 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree:

People are happiest when they follow rules: 3

Rules are meant to be broken: 4

Children should only be raised in families that mirror theirĀ  ethnicity: 1

The best community is one in which racial and cultural differences are eliminated: 5

A good mother will not make serious mistakes in raising her children: 2

Women with more financial resources make better mothers: 1

Teens in high school should not be parents: 3

How Can You Tell a Story About Your Life Right Now Through a Few Simple Numbers?

My life right now by the numbers definitely looked better before the pandemic started. As I live in the boarding house the rules and measures got stricter by the minute. Every week I would usually do some physical exercise and play sports like basketball for at least a few times in a week that lasts for 2 hours, but now the sports halls are closed and I can’t do that anymore, so I barely get any more exercise. The number of time I also spend with people that I care about has also gone down due to the social distancing rules. Now I tend to stay in my room more and only hang out with the people that live in the corridor and we often play video games a lot more. The amount of work I do now has also increased as online learning gives us more work to do.

Some argue that advertising is a corrupting and manipulative influence in our lives. To what extent do you feel this is true or untrue?

I think that this statement is completely untrue as I find advertisements to be useful in our lives. Obviously not every advertisement we see is useful, but looking at them could still give us some advantages like we can learn new things from advertisements. So I don’t see how advertisements can be corrupting and manipulative in any way. In advertisements, the only disadvantage I see is that it may waste our time sometimes when that advertisement is completely irrelevant and would not teach u anything.

The Thing Around Your Neck

In the short story The Thing Around Your Neck, Adichie creates a sense of empathy toward the speaker in a few ways. One of those ways is that she is writing her story in a 2nd person perspective. This can help make the reader feel some empathy towards the speaker as it allows us to see from the perspective of the speaker and see what she’s feeling on the way she was being treated.

What is interesting is that Adichie uses this metaphor The Thing Around Your Neck as a way to describe the speaker’s feelings in the story as she felt depressed in the beginning of the short story as her uncle sexually asaulted her. But as the story progresses, Adichie reveals that she was finally feeling better when she found that man, and Adichie described it as “the thing that wrapped itself around your neck started to loosen, to let go” which shows that she was finally feeling happy as she met this man.