Saint Hoax

The idea of toxic masculinity is represented in Saint Hoax’s work by combining the written and visual text in the artwork. His collection of work “Making America Misogynistic Again” is a series of artwork that has a quotation said by Trump and is put into a vintage advert from the post world war II era, in the late 40s to 60s. In this series of artwork, we can see the correlation between the visual text of the adverts, and the written text of Trump’s quotations which promotes the idea of toxic masculinity against women.

4.jpgThis example from Saint Hoax’s series of artworks show the comment made by Trump about women, which is very misogynistic, basically stating that to him they are useless if they don’t “got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” It is correlated to the visual text as there is a man being carried on a chair by 4 women around him. It can be understood as what Trump’s views as we can see in the ad the women are doing all the hard work for the man in the middle, relating to what Trump says about them only being useful to him only if they fit his standards physically. This further promotes the idea of toxic masculinity shown in the ad, with the correlation of what Trump says in 1991 with an ad made in 1951.

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