Engagement #2: Interview with Zero Waste SG

From my interview with Zero Waste SG, I was able to get the perspective of an NGO and learn how they are contributing to making Singapore more sustainable. From the interview, I learned that Zero Waste SG as an NGO is involved in many different projects and they get involved in helping Singapore work towards the goal of being more sustainable with their consumption and production. They do that by hosting many talks and workshops to give people learning opportunities and also even host physical activities such as beach cleanups. It was also interesting to be able to hear the opinion from someone who works in an environmental NGO and ask them whether Singapore needs to do more work systematically in order to be more sustainable and protect the environment, which she agreed with stating more government policies should be made, and they should be strict on it. So it was definitely helpful to hear the perspective from an NGO and someone who is very familiar with this topic.

Categories: EA

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