CAS Reflection LO7 (Ethics of Choices and Actions) 0-WES (Waste Event Services)

At what times did I face ethical decisions when participating in this activity?

One instance where I had to make ethical decisions was during our lost and found project. As the school receive an incredible amount of lost item every year, it is essential that we handle them sustainability and ethically. An example of one of the decisions I made with my service was making our “lost and found” digital. We noticed that when left inside the lost and found room, students tend to not bother finding their item. Additionally, we create more waste when we have to label each items and put them in respective boxes. Hence, we decided to start a lost and found online website where we took pictures of each lost items and uploaded it on our page. This way, we are not creating more waste and lost and found becomes more accessible to the whole school.

Have I become more or less principled
as a result of my participation in this
activity? Why?

As I have never been to the lost and found room prior to this, I didn’t know how many lost items are actually there and how much waste is produced yearly just from the lost and found. After participating in this activity, it has motivated me to make sustainable and ethical decisions when it comes to consumption of products. If I had lost an item, I now make the effort to find it first no matter how cheap or small it is. This way, I am not adding or creating more waste.

Categories: CAS

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