My Partner’s Foundational Story: Adam and Eve

Through my partner’s presentation, I can see how the story of Adam and Eve was adapted into different media like books and movies. I found it interesting how he was able to find out how the traditional hakka alluded to Adam and Eve. I personally did not really see whether there was a significant change in the story over time, though it can be said that the story is simply adapted and revisioned over time through books and movies. I noticed that the movies inspired by Adam and Eve tend to be comedic, maybe this is to have the story appeal to younger audiences who find comedy interesting. I think this story lives on mostly due to the story’s relation to religion, hence allowing it to be spread around. I believe that the story is adapted and changed over time because fewer people start to believe in Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve is a story from the bible and in this day and age, a lot of people of are starting to care less about religion. Maybe people modernize it to try and keep the story relevant to this generation and the ones after it

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