CAS Reflection 2 – Cuban Salsa

I feel I have become more confident in myself through this activity, not only in dancing but in other aspects too. I have definitely moved past my previous issue of being afraid to embarrass myself in front of the other people participating in the activity. However, that is not to say I have not made any mistakes. I have now understood that they are natural and that everyone makes them. At the end of the day, everyone is thinking about their dance steps and not nit-picking yours. While I have improved in this aspect, I have struggled in getting to know people in the activity outside of the people I already know who are part of it too, I am not a super outgoing person at times and tend to stick with people I am already close with. This can clearly be seen with the way I am constantly having to push myself out of my comfort zone this year. I think it is important that I work through this issue because a factor that feeds into activities like dance is the concept of teamwork. Perhaps my dancing will even improve if I trust the other dancers more.

Cuban Salsa Video Drive


Representing People Reflection

Throughout this unit, I feel that I have learned to be more meticulous in the sense that I have gained understanding in looking deeper into different bodies of work and comprehending them at more than a surface level. That being said a key concept that I have developed my thinking on was the role of women in media. Growing up, I never really noticed how blatantly sexualised or objectified women in advertisements were and through this unit, I have definitely learned to be more aware of what the media tries to promote to the general population. Not only that, analysing so many advertisements with underlying derogatory ideas conditioned me to even be more aware of what and how I see products being promoted in my very own day to day life. It was also interesting to learn about how complex the idea of representation itself was. With questions like whether a representation of a certain group in literature is problematic if the author has good intentions, it really proved how the idea of representation really is not just black and white.I find that a link between the two texts is the general theme of identity and how changes in your own identity or the identity of a group of people leads to an unsteady sense of self which can affect everyone around you positively or negatively which segues into our next unit, “Troubled Worlds: Change and Conflict”