Literary Text Summaries

Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro entails the story of Kathy H and her peers at Hailsham as she grows up to realise that the world her and her classmates once had many dreams for is not what they hoped it would be and that their short paths have already been paved for them. The novel explores many ideas like free will and how uncertain is what you decide and what has already been decided for you truly are. Not just that, the book also raises the idea among audiences about where should we draw the line when it comes to science.

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan is an American Singer-songwriter whose works have been widely recognised for many years. He started off as a folk singer but soon evolved into performing all kinds of genres as time went on. He has had many songs which people speculate as having a deeper meaning like addressing civil rights, or promoting anti-war ideals. He, however, has never really commented on his political stance and has claimed that his songs do not really have meaning. Despite saying this, it has not stopped people from analysing his music so much so that many consider it literature. So much so that in 2016, Bob Dylan even won a Nobel Prize for Literature

Duffy Poetry

The World’s Wife by Carol Ann Duffy – a series of poems, provides commentary on issues pertaining to gender norms and roles in modern society and in some cases, her own experiences. She addresses these issues by twisting familiar childhood tales and known legends to make them timeless and related to the themes she is trying to talk about and tackle through poetry.