CAS Reflection – Volunteering Over Circuit-Breaker

Over circuit breaker, I was lucky enough to be provided with the opportunity to help volunteer at HDBs in Singapore. I was introduced to this program by my friends who were also part of the program, I later also got other people in my circle to join the volunteer program. The program was organised by a local restaurant in Singapore – wherein they were making batches of takeout food to send to the elderly in nearby HDBS. I helped out with not only making but also delivering the food. I found this experience very eye-opening as it showed me the effects of the virus on people from a different walk of life from me, it also gave me a chance to work in the local community – something I am not usually able to do due to me being a foreigner in Singapore. Being able to help people in need at a time like this was also a very interesting and unique experience which lessons I will carry with me for a very long time.