Picture that describes how your skills are developing // How do you feel about it?

NHRDN - Mumbai Chapter What contributes to the increasing complexity of change

This picture describes how my skills are developing in the sense that I am improving with the help of my peers. My peers help me develop my skills in physical terms and also offer me support in emotional terms. I feel that my skills have been on an upward slope since the beginning of IB since I’ve essentially stopped caring about what other people think of the activities I join and I’m finally doing things I actually enjoy. I feel more confident which helps me develop my skills at a faster pace. Hopefully, this trend continues and I can come out of IB with a set of useful skills.


Image Citation:

NHRDNMUMBAI. “What contributes to the increasing complexity of change.” Illustration. nhrdnmumbai.com, 27 Mar. 2017, nhrdnmumbai.com/what-contributes-to-the-increasing-complexity-of-change/. Accessed 30 Sept. 2019.

What has been the biggest challenge within CAS so far? // What might you do to improve this?

My biggest challenge in CAS so far is the fact that I am definitely going out of my comfort zone. I have joined yoga and Cuban salsa as my activities and I am also going to be starting golf lessons outside of school. If you told me a year or two ago that I would be doing these activities, I would have laughed in your face. While it is exciting, sometimes it can be a bit daunting. However, I am learning to be more comfortable with trying new things. I think I can improve on my confidence by persevering through the activities, staying committed and going to teachers if I ever feel stressed or might have any questions. Sure, sometimes I will mess up but ultimately, I’m still just learning these things and I cannot expect to be great at it on the first try.

What aspects of CAS are you looking forward to? // How might you plan your year of CAS in order to maintain balance?

What aspects of CAS are you looking forward to?

  • I’m looking forward to trying new things and venturing out of my comfort zone when it comes to choosing what I want to do for CAS. I also look forward to meeting new people and fostering new friendships through CAS as well. Not just that but I also think CAS will be a good way for me to learn how to be more committed to the things I do.

How might you plan your year of CAS in order to maintain balance?

  • First and foremost, I need to plan my time properly so as to reduce rushing to reach deadlines and stressing myself out. However, I want to spread my commitments out evenly at the same time so I don’t feel bombarded with CAS and stress myself out like I would if I procrastinated on my tasks.