ITP (Season 1)


LO1: Identify strengths and develop areas for growth

This is my third year doing ITP singing. However this year I decided to do my grade 8 exam for singing which is definitely going to be something unfamiliar and challenging.

I love singing and I work quite hard at it. My strengths are my creativity and my ability to immerse myself in any song that I sing. Despite this, I genuinely need to work on managing my time and making sure I get enough practice before each lesson since this exam will demand a lot of work.

This half term, I got a very good idea as to how much work I need to be putting in and I realised that I needed to make time for singing practice, just like I had to for piano. This was my major struggle but I hope to change that next term by using my free blocks to practice in the music rooms as well as practicing at least three times every week at home when I don’t have activities after school.


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