Interim Reflection

Researcher's Reflection Space

During data collection, I used the music department’s resources to implement a successful method for my investigation. However challenges arose when I pressed a piano key: surrounding strings vibrated too. After debating ideas with my supervisor about how to overcome the issue, I settled on placing felt on the remaining keys in order to mute them. This made me realise the significance of making changes to your methodology to gather accurate data.

After finishing this research, writing the essay became much easier as I was able to see how the data and theory pieced together. Something I realised after conferencing with my supervisor, however, was that my theoretical background lacked clarity and overly relied on one research paper. To make this section more detailed, I will use databases such as JSTOR to find more papers to cite. I found that it was important to have a range of sources to develop a more thorough and credible explanation of the theory.

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