Final Reflection

Researcher's Reflection Space

The EE process was incredibly rewarding. For me, the best part was achieving the level of perfection in my writing that I had aimed for. I feel that I’ve learnt a lot from this process, and grown as a person.

My EE demanded the need for reading challenging research papers, something I was initially intimidated by. I found myself procrastinating this, and as a result, my theoretical background lacked specificity and depth. When I finally read the papers, I overcame my initial aversion by pushing myself to learn new scientific language and mathematics. Now, I even read scientific papers for fun when I’m curious about new ideas. This also was a sort of confirmation that I wanted to study Physics in the future.

If I had to do this process again, I would try to get things done earlier. I would have liked in-depth research and preliminary data done much earlier. This way, I feel that the write-up would be a much easier process too.

(165 words)