Service Reflection #3

Yesterday (9th December), our service decided to head to Tampines to conduct a Sunday recycling session. This was a very enjoyable and relaxing experience, allowing me to have a unique experience. At the recycling session, we were given a presentation on the environmental effects of recycling incorrectly, and I really thought that this was quite […]



It has been over a month since I have finished my Culturama, however, I have not had the chance to complete a reflection on the activity as a whole. Participating in Culturama opened up many opportunities for me, especially in personal development as an individual. I feel that through the entire Culturama experience, I have […]


Service Reflection #2

I have been actively participating in service. I have been elected Vice-Chair of the service, earning my spot on the leadership team. On Friday (28/9), my service conducted a cleanup for a dinner hosted by a Global Concern. It started from 7:30 and ended around 8:50 PM. I think that doing this cleanup was representative […]


Activity Reflection #2

These past two weeks have been great in terms of personal growth and contributing to my CAS. In the past two weeks, I have been training hard for the upcoming Culturama for activity and furthermore been involved heavily in service lately. I have attended around 4 Culturama training sessions (two as part of the stipulated […]


Culturama initial reflection

For activity, I have joined Culturama. I feel that this would be a very interesting opportunity for me, both to learn more about my own culture and to also learn more about dance in general. Dancing is something I am very inexperienced with, and being a dancer in the upcoming Culturama festival in school is […]