Who has control of the meaning in advertising?

Advertising as a whole simply put is – a combination of lexical and visual elements or even just these elements alone, conveying a message to the targeted audience either about an event, a product, a concept, etc. Although the advertiser has the ability to...

07/11/19 – Printed Advertisement Analysis Redone

07/11/19 -07 Printed Advertisement Analysis Redone Using Composition Techniques This ad, first released around the 1970s when contraception as a form of protection wasn’t a very big part of education systems and women weren’t made very aware of it, leading to large...

Printed Advertisement Analysis – 13/10/19

  13/10/19 – PRINTED AD ANALYSIS This ad, first released around the 1970s when contraception as a form of protection wasn’t a very big part of education systems and women weren’t made very aware of it, leading to large families and many cases of teen...