CAS is a multitude of different activities and services and includes the taking up new interests and hobbies made mandatory to improve our skills and open us up to new adventures. Each aspect of CAS contributes individually to the well-being of an individual, however it is also dependent on how much an individual takes part and involves themselves in the experience. For example – taking up Robin Hood and Kahaani and Pottery has taught me skills that I had not though to learn before. It has taught me patience but also brought out an inventive and artistic side that I did not know I possessed. Taking up yoga and meditation and playing tennis has introduced me to different ways of opening up my body and focusing on something other than the busy day -to day rut that we’re often stuck in. It has also proved to be therapeutic and a relaxant away from all the tasks and stressful IB curriculum. Service has taught me soft skills and allowed me to get in touch with my empathetic side so that i can be more open towards others and their financial and economical situations. Conclusively, CAS has allowed me to escape into different territories that are hard to do with a busy school schedule and helped me improve my mood and escape the usual lethargy we feel.