I challenged myself even further to use a recipe I had never heard of before to make the terribly delicate Japanese Cheesecake. Everything seemed to go exactly right according to plan and I didn’t mess up one in the initial bits. But, at the point where I had to make a meringue, I accidentally dropped some yolk in my whites and without learning the skill to make it, I tried to whip it. A meringue often forms in 10 minutes, but because of the small drop of yolk, I spent one hour whipping a lost cause and in the end it was over beaten and 13 eggs were rendered useless. Just as I was about to give up, tired and upset after the mess I had created in the kitchen making this, I looked up some videos and saw the right technique in terms of how to separate the yolk and whites of the egg without getting any yolk in, the right speed to beat it at and when to add the sugar. I was determined to make this cake and spent till 11 on a Sunday night beating the new batch of 9 eggs, slowly and carefully until it was perfect. After which, I had to place the cake pan in a pan full of hot water and a tissue paper while it bakes in the oven. In this part of the process, I forgot I was using a Springform pan and water seeped into the cake, such that the lower layer was denser and more eggy-er than the rest. This baking adventure taught me a lot of lessons – to not rush, to research beforehand about new techniques I had to use so I could avoid the wastage of ingredients next time and to make sure I was using the right equipment. I am determined to re make this cake again, error-free so it can be fluffy, light and perfect next time.

However, the taste of the actual cake wasn’t all that bad despite the bumps along the road and here are pictures of the cake: