A big shark that could have endangered the human population

In the movie “The Meg”, it talks about what would happen if a prehistoric shark came back from the dead and start terrorizing people.  That shark was the megalodon, and here are 3 things about this prehistoric animal worth knowing.

The megalodon is definitely extinct, so it definitely would not harm us or try to kill us.  It has died out due to the fast changes of sea levels, which would have affected the ecosystem the megalodon was living in.  If it was alive and lived to the present day, chances are that we would have known since they were most likely living in coastal areas, areas below 200 metres in depth.

Like the great white shark, the megalodon was a predator, hunting its prey in order to survive.  But seeing as a lot of the largest animals today are herbivores, it would mean that the megalodon would have needed to work harder in order to find sufficient prey to keep themselves satisfied with their meal, since that they were a very large species, going up to 18 metres in length.

Movies like this have been thought to have a big impact on the species themselves.  For example, after “Jaws” came out, the protection of great white sharks became affected and there were fishers catching “trophy sharks”, in order to show their fearlessness.  This is important as sharks are as vulnerable as other species, and if we start killing all sharks, it will affect us one day.

The megalodon was a shark and a big one at that.  If the megalodon was still alive today, would we want to kill them all, or leave them alone?  Would the impact only affect humans or could it affect the other species?  Positively or negatively?  What we do know, they would have been serious consequences.



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