How I want my High School Homework Journey to be


The book is my homework.  I always at least complete my homework.  But I always throw it into the trash can and fish it out the day before the homework is due.  Well, not any more people!!!

I always make this goal each year, and I think it is a good goal to have.  NO PROCRASTINATION.

And each year I always fail.  I end up becoming lazy and leave homework to the very last minute, especially if I don’t like the piece of homework I am given.

Example:  I was given an assignment a week ago, and it is due tomorrow.  I have worked hard on it for the last couple of days, but I had to forgo any other homework that is due a day or more after the assignment, and now I’m going to have to do homework the day before it’s due.

I may have already broken my goal for this year already, but hopefully, I can get back on track.


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