My Personal Statement.

I don’t know who I am as a person.  The decisions I make in my life are based on the present, not the future.  Therefore, the only goal I have for my future is to go to a good university and find a good job.  It’s not a very specific goal, but they are things that I know I will achieve at some point in time.

A lot of the time, whenever I wanted something, for example, a phone, my parents would always say, “Get good grades, go to a good university, get a good job, earn a lot of money, and then you can get whatever you want.”  Of course, life is not about getting good grades or earning a lot of money, but they are things that are nice to have.  The point that my parents are trying to make is that I would need to work hard to get what I want, as well as be somewhat realistic about my future, in order to be my own independent person.

Is my goal right for me?  I think it is too broad, but I can’t be specific because I have a love-hate relationship with most of the things I get involved in.  At the beginning of the year, several people told us that high school is the place to learn about who you are as a person, and what you will do in the future.  I plan to use high school as much as possible, which means trying a lot of new things that I may not normally do.

Moving forward, I know I don’t like trying new things.  It takes a lot of motivation from others and myself to do something I haven’t done before.  Maybe I will find something that I don’t have a love-hate relationship with or not.  But I do know that when I need to make a decision, I will make it, and my goal may become more specific in the future.

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