Healthy Living October 2021

This month I was to be able to get more into a routine with running, so that I am able to run more consistently. For the first session I ran for around 45 minutes. I took a different route this time. My pace was still not very consistent as I had to stop running many times during the run. Because of this I started running on the treadmill, as running outdoors meant that my pace was not controlled. This was helpful to me, as the next 2 sessions of 20 and 40 minutes was more consistent. The 40 minute one was where I only took 1 break, at which I had to slow down to catch my breath. Next month I want to continue to maintain my routine, so that I can make steady progress, as well as continue on the treadmill, to the point where I can run up to an hour without taking any breaks on the treadmill.


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