Healthy Living: December 2021

I did 2 40-minute sessions this month, with one of them I was able to run 5km. This means that if I kept this pace I would be able to reach my 10km goal in around 80 minutes. My pacing has improved, with the 5km run I did not slow down at all, but rather I increased my speed. I have found that if I start off slow, but increase my speed at intervals, I am a much more productive runner. I also have found that I have a huge mental block when it comes to pushing myself to continue to run, oftentimes telling myself that I was tired and that I wanted to stop, and I would cave into it by slowing down my speed on the treadmill. Therefore this month I also tried to find ways around that mental block. I found that one of the things that contributed to my mental block was that I was focusing too much on how many minutes I was running, and felt disheartened when I saw how many minutes I had left, so I focused on the distance part of how much I was running. This helped me reach my 5 km goal. Increasing the speed slowly also helped, after around 1.2 km I increased the speed on the treadmill by 0.5, until I reached 9, which is considered a difficult speed for me already. I managed to reach my 5 km goal through this way. Next month I still want to run more 5km runs using this method, potentially reaching 6 km.

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