
As of right now, there are 6 days left in the month of Ramadan.  Eid is on the 24th of April this year, and for the first time in a very long time, I will be spending it in Singapore, as the circuit breaker won’t be lifted until a week later. To Malaysians and Singaporeans, […]


In the past few weeks, more and more teachers have told us that we are living in exceptional circumstances.  COVID-19 as been a pain in our asses for the past few weeks, infecting over a million people worldwide as of today, stopped economies and caused governments to shut down schools, community centres, any place that […]

New Years Resolutions

Fireworks=Hitting leftover embers on the grill. It is the start of a new decade, a new year.  It is around this time that people celebrate the start of a new year, and the term New Years Resolutions comes up.  Some people take these goals seriously, making goals that they want to achieve by the end […]