This year so far has been exhausting, tiring, and terribly busy, but still interesting and fun. I’ve managed to participate in new activities, make progress in my subjects, and start to think a little more about the next few years. Recently, we got back our ATL reports, and I thought I might write a little reflection here:

Most of my targets from improvement given by my teachers this year were to work on reflecting, setting goals and sticking to these goals. I agree with these targets, as I think I don’t take enough time to think about the areas in which I improve, and this means that I don’t focus on these areas when revising. However, I think I have improved in terms of communication over the past year in G9, as I now try to stay engaged in class, actively listen, and contribute when I can.

In terms of my actual ATLs, I was happy with most of them, but I was a bit more disorganised this year, so I think I have to bring that back up to par. Other than that, I’m happy with my ATLs and looking forward to the rest of the year.