Me and working with me! (DP)

1) What I value when working with others:

When I work with others, I like when others pay attention to what I say since it makes me feel like what I say matters even though I am usually a pretty quiet and nervous person. (I don’t like speaking in front of a big audience or public speaking in general). I would also appreciate if the other person would put in as much effort into what we are doing as me so I wouldn’t be the person doing everything for a project.

2) What I lose patience with when working with a partner:

I don’t like when multiple people are speaking at the same time, usually it turns into an argument which I don’t think is ideal in a discussion, and what I say won’t matter at all since no one is listening to me. When the partner’s expectation is me doing all the work.

3) If my last collaborative learning had a soundtrack, it would be:

The soundtrack from Jurassic Park, usually because If I’m learning something new its like a big reveal to my mind which actually kind of happened in most of the Jurassic Park movies. I like Jurassic Park.

4) The #1 thing you can do to support me best when we work together is:

To not get mad if I don’t understand something or when people rush to a new topic when I still didn’t understand the previous one. When that happens, I usually have blank spaces in my knowledge and then I fall behind in class.

5) When it comes to tech, I’m at good at (thinking and talking about how what we are doing affects other people and how that relates to what we can do) and I need to get better at (at fixing problems that are actually happening in the laptop or fixing problems with technology for the future).

6) What people sometimes misunderstand about me when we are teamed up together:

Is that even if I might be quiet, what I can say might actually be something to think about or something thats true and not quiet obvious but I’m not saying that everything I say can be intelligent.

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One thought on “Me and working with me! (DP)

  1. The most important line is when you said you didn’t like it when people rushed to a new topic because I also don’t like that.

    Two things that i relate to are people al talking at once and when people don’t listen to me.

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