Are smartphones making us smarter audio and quotes (DP)

Creative Commons License Soreen D via CompfightSo I have three quotes that relate to the question “Are smart phones making us smarter?”.

One quote that I had was from a discussion from a previous lesson is: “Are smart phones showing us everything that is possible or are they taking us away from reality?”. I thought of this question because there are so many new ideas and discoveries that have happened with technology and you can find out an answer my using a search engine on the internet but sometimes we use smart phones for social media a lot and some things that may not even be real.

A quote that I thought was interesting from the podcast was: “The cracks in my life are now filled in with my smart phone”. We are often so bored but I never knew that our brain is most active when bored. Since we have our smart phones now, we often switch from one task to another which uses up a lot of our glucose, making us tired easily. One day, I decided to not use technology for the entire day, I realised how much I can’t do without it and the huge impact on me which I think is similar to other people as well.

Another quote from one of the videos that I watched was: “We are all taking photos and videos but are we really paying attention?”. I connect to this because I remember to one event where everyone had their phone recording something and then posting it onto social media, trying to prove that they were there while me and my friend were sitting there cheering like crazy. It is kind of sad when you or someone is at a concert or a sporting event and most of the people are filming instead of cheering.

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One thought on “Are smartphones making us smarter audio and quotes (DP)

  1. I really like the way you guys made lots of connections to your own experiences, it made the conversation a lot more easier to relate to. You guys talked a lot about how people experience things through their phones taking pictures rather than being in the moment. I completely agree with you on how this happens a lot. I wonder why we all feel the need to share everything cool that goes on in our lives? What has changed in society that makes us feel like this?

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