Was the 3 Gorges Dam in China really worth it?

I don’t believe that the Yangtze Dam was worth it due to these disadvantages. On the environmental aspect, coastal erosion occured on the East China Delta of the Yangtze river due to sediment being blocked on the opposite side of the dam. The Yangtze River dolphin became extinct because the water quality was really bad and were unable to hunt as well as spawning grounds being blocked, same for other fish. A lot of landslides occured which cracked people’s homes and ruined roads. Deforestation occured while the dam was being built. Fish stocks decreased which caused villagers to be jobless. Many people were displaced, as many as 6 million people which made compensation on new grounds not be enough which created conflicts. Those people were also poorer as farmers were unable to get jobs in the cities. The demand for electricity also increased which made the 1/3 of china’s electricity decline to only 10% with H.E.P. A lot of money was also spent. All that money could have been spent on other projects that could have been more successful. The electricity produced by the dam is going down anyway. The tons of damage done to the environment is really not great and me being a person who wants to improve and save it, that doesn’t do it for me. Yes, economically there was a lot of advantages but I think it caused more farm than good. In couple of years, it is important that the entire area won’t completely be destroyed by blocked of sediment and erosion and could lead to other things, it is more important than just showing power and electricity. Not that many countries were inspired I think because no one is doing anything like creating H.E.P plants. They can fix those problems and they should so no more damage could be caused. Next time when they create other projects they should do more research so they would prepare for the worst impacts that could happen.

Three Gorges Dam Jasmin via Compfight


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One thought on “Was the 3 Gorges Dam in China really worth it?

  1. A detailed summary of the disadvantages Diana. You say that no one is building HEP dams but this is not true. In 2015 there were 412 dams being built or proposed on the Amazon river alone! That is just one river. So HEP is big business. What lessons should have been learned from the 3 Gorges do you think?

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