Much More than Just a Book: Mukul Deva

(Filtered four, navigation protocol, sand-shoreline-ship)

I chose a notebook and pen to represent writing and collecting ideas since the talk was mostly about how to write a story. I chose an hourglass and cogwheel to represent process, how something work over time which is what we talked about (the most effective process to write a story). I chose a person with a knife because in the talk we talked about how to write a mystery story which is hardest genre to write it, according to Mr.Deva. I chose a soldier because he was in the Indian army for 16 years and that has I guess impacted his writing since he writes a lot about military action (Salim must Die, his book). North: There was no major issue to discuss but rather a topic. The topic of writing or the process of writing a story. It advanced my thinking of how to write a story, successfully. Most importantly to have a plan and not write a story out of nowhere. South: This topic is connected to our unit in a way of writing a story, maybe even an article if it is extremely long and in an op-ed style. We aren’t just learning about how to write news articles, but short stories or maybe even books if that is the path that one chooses to take. East: I like to write stories, short ones because I don’t have the patience and determination to write a book. It inspired me or at least helped me to write them in a better style and not be an “amateur” to when it comes to writing (fiction). Improving my process. West: Everything is pretty clear to me, nothing big that I am unsure about or than how can a person edit a story for 3 months?! Sand: This session clarified to think like a writer by creating nothing into something, by experimenting with different things and failing and then finding the right way to what you want to write about. What sounds about right. ShorelineI guess I already talked about how this session helped me/inspired me. I was surprised by the fact that Mukul’s books have never been rejected, so his method is probably a good one. He must have been a better writer than I thought. Ship: I have a photo of the process that he talked about which I will probably use later on when I decide to write more. Definitely a good talk, definitely listened a little more.


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The Process:

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One thought on “Much More than Just a Book: Mukul Deva

  1. I think that from what you wrote, Mukul Deva is a great writer who has a process for writing books that he shared with you during the talk. The symbols you used for this process accurately represent what he was trying to convey. I also think that the ‘creating nothing into something, by experimenting with different things’ is an ideology that can help not only with writing, but with a lot of other things in life as well.

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