Sexual Harassment Discussion

We had a conversation about sexual harassment and assault in mentor today. The conversation lead onto the question of that is considered sexual harassment and is there a line? We came to a consensus of there being two different lines: the moral and the legal. We talked about how just a touch on the shoulder would make the women feel uncomfortable and is morally wrong but is not “enough” to be taken to court or be classified as major harassment. We talked about how the #metoo movement speaks about sexual harassments in Hollywood and can sometimes crumble the accused career. My knowledge wasn’t exactly widened or developed but it was interesting hearing the opinions of the different people in my mentor class talking about the same problem. Most of our opinions were similar in a sense and I liked that there was a place to talk about these kinds of things since this is a huge problem that was promised to be resolved but never was. Stereotypically, female are the main victims of sexual harassment (however, there are other genders that get harassed as well) and as a female I want to talk about these kinds of things so that others like me know what to do when they get dragged into these types of situations. This discussion has helped with raising awareness especially as every mentor class was doing this. However, what does raising awareness do when no one actually does anything? A main reason that I think is why this problem has still not been resolved.

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