Choices Curating


In the first article, a psychology professor describes the rather flippant and casual use of the term OCD in our daily lives to have created a “cultural script” surrounding this disorder. It is true that people who are uneducated about this disorder, often relate OCD to people who obsess over being “clean” and “organised”. This creates a false stereotype surrounding the disorder as we begin to associate OCD with such positive qualities and OCD is then perceived to be a “quirk” rather than an illness. The misrepresentation of the severity of OCD can be dangerous if we consider people who actually have this illness; people may undermine the gravity of this illness. Furthermore, the “false conceptions” generated by the excessive use of OCD as a personality trait may lead to people incorrectly diagnosing themselves with this disorder.

The 2nd article also brings up a point which we have discussed in the beginning of the year: whether people should be allowed to tell someone else’s story.



This article shows the backfire of Ayesha Tan Jones, who was lineup model at the runaway protested by writing “mental health is not fashion.” She also states “It’s in bad taste for Gucci to use imagery of strait jackets and outfits alluding to mental patients, while being rolled out on a conveyor belt as if a piece of factory meat’ “Many people agree while others seem to disagree saying how using mental health in fashion is cool and makes ‘public discussion less taboo”. They also question her saying how is it not allowed for fashion to bring up mental health while other forms of industries can.



So it turns out that the father of actor Robert De Niro bears some resemblance to Bechdel’s father...

Joker movie


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