Narrative Revision

How has your understanding of narrative technique, point of view and perspective developed / deepened so far?

There are many different perspectives: first person, second person, third person omniscient, third person limited single focalizer, third person limited multiple focalizers and free indirect discourse. I didn’t realize that there could be many different types of third person narrative before. These narrative perspectives have different purposes. For example, first person is able to bring the reader into the character’s mind and see their point of view clearly. Free indirect discourse can show the character’s thoughts without using quotation marks and dialogue  in order to make the narrative voice feel as though it is the character’s. This can be seen in Dressing Up for the Carnival where, for example, the first passage uses free indirect discourse to show Tamara’s excitement for finding an outfit in the morning. In the same story, generally, the perspective is a third person limited with multiple focalizers as each passage represents a different character and most are written in third person discourse, however, towards the end dialogue does start to appear. This allows for a more personal feel to the characters and the story overall. The voice and tone is expressed through the characters without “being” the character. I have also found that point of view is very different to perspective. Mainly, that point of view is more opinionated than perspective as the latter is broader and more open-minded when being expressed.


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One thought on “Narrative Revision

  1. Neatly summarised and evaluated…though I’m not sure about your last sentence…especially when thinking about third person narration. Rethink your expression of this idea, and consider also how perspectives other than that of the characters can affect the way literature is understood.

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