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Month: May 2018

After School Activities

After School Activities

Over the summer I decided to stop my main sport, gymnastics, which took a lot of consideration because it had been the only sport that I was doing for years. Once the year I had begun with me having so much free time, I decided that I would try volleyball, a sport that I had played in PE and thought would be a really fun experience, even if I didn’t get on the best team. Amazingly I manages to get onto the U16A  team which was an amazing opportunity, and really managed to fill any doubts that I had about stopping gymnastics. Along with volleyball, in season 2 I decided to start netball again – which I hadn’t played in three years. Furthermore my good friend, Annika had asked me if I had wanted to join softball preseason with her because she didn’t know many people going, so I said yes – of course. Juggling netball – a sort that I knew and had loved for a long time – and softball – a completely new sport that I didn’t know how to play at all – was challenging but fun. Although when the season for both of these sports I had to choose one, because their times clashed, ultimately I chose netball. During team selection I was quite nervous but i got asked to join the U19A team! it was a thrill, we got to go to SEASAC and I gained a lot of experience for playing for the first time in three years. So much so that I got nominated for the most improved player at the Sports awards night! Another amazing moment. Currently, I have started volleyball preseason. and I have been asked to join the U19A team trainings, which has allowed me to grow as a player and is getting me very excited for next year!

Commitment to Care Reflection: Diversity day – what did I think of it, how did it spread awareness?

Commitment to Care Reflection: Diversity day – what did I think of it, how did it spread awareness?

Diversity day apart from being a fun mufti day for everyone in high school, it spreads awareness on the meaning of diversity day along with teaching students all the different types of diversity (racial, gender, religious, etc.). One of the ways that the school publicised diversity was to put up posters around the school, especially in the tent plaza where they had interactive boards where students could write what they thought of diversity and what it meant to them. Overall diversity day was an amazing opportunity to spread awareness about diversity, because it had many activities along with assembly’s to draw attention to the idea of diversity in our day to day lives, which I’m sure everyone got a lot to learn from.

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