After School Activities

After School Activities

Over the summer I decided to stop my main sport, gymnastics, which took a lot of consideration because it had been the only sport that I was doing for years. Once the year I had begun with me having so much free time, I decided that I would try volleyball, a sport that I had played in PE and thought would be a really fun experience, even if I didn’t get on the best team. Amazingly I manages to get onto the U16A  team which was an amazing opportunity, and really managed to fill any doubts that I had about stopping gymnastics. Along with volleyball, in season 2 I decided to start netball again – which I hadn’t played in three years. Furthermore my good friend, Annika had asked me if I had wanted to join softball preseason with her because she didn’t know many people going, so I said yes – of course. Juggling netball – a sort that I knew and had loved for a long time – and softball – a completely new sport that I didn’t know how to play at all – was challenging but fun. Although when the season for both of these sports I had to choose one, because their times clashed, ultimately I chose netball. During team selection I was quite nervous but i got asked to join the U19A team! it was a thrill, we got to go to SEASAC and I gained a lot of experience for playing for the first time in three years. So much so that I got nominated for the most improved player at the Sports awards night! Another amazing moment. Currently, I have started volleyball preseason. and I have been asked to join the U19A team trainings, which has allowed me to grow as a player and is getting me very excited for next year!

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