Reflection to the first TOK Class + Knowledge, Belief, Opinion

In my view, Mr.Jacobson, in no means of pleasing one intentionally, is a fine teacher in terms of general knowledge and his sharpness of thinking, as during class we were involved in exciting discussion into some seemingly unnecessary topics. Although the debate was somewhat fruitful, one can observe Mr.Jacobson’s background experience through the examples he has given about himself, such as his experience in fourteen years old with the Church of England and Buddism after he had grown-up. 

Through the slides, we were able to gain somewhat of an insight into the element of TOK, such as the topics we as a class have discussed today, involved every academical aspect of IB, as it including all issues from all areas.


My definitions for Knowledge, Belief, Opinion

  • Knowledge is a process of accumulation of information one does, with or without practice.
  • Belief is an acceptance that something seemly exists, especially the ones without proof, yet the way one has received it may influence the way one thinks about a specific problem.
  • The opinion is a view or judgement formed towards something but not necessarily correct.


For example, when I searched the definition of “Belief” on Google, my way of thinking was influenced by the Oxford dictionary. Through such an accumulation of information, I wrote it down on this portfolio page, combining with what I had in mind, formed my way of thinking/knowledge. And lastly, I expressed it in class as an opinion as I judged the definition of belief.

One thought on “Reflection to the first TOK Class + Knowledge, Belief, Opinion

  1. Very articulate, thank you. So if I tell myself the same thing repeatedly for a long time, I then have knowledge about that thing? Can we ever know if we are correct or not?

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