Womens Expectation

The representation of women over time have changed vastly in advertisements, from the obedient housewife persona from the 20th century, to the now present independent equal-footing depiction of women in media.

The first panel displays an advert which aimed to boost female worker morale and encourage contribution to the industrial sector during WW2 America. The advertisement is a clear example of the control which social norms and stereotypes have over representation in media, although meant to display a strong working woman, the female character in the ad still conveys the values of that era. The headgear which the woman wears is befitting of a housewife, conveying the idea that although he/she is ‘strong’, she is still a homeworker at heart, and is not on equal footing as other men. In addition, the usage of the word ‘We’ in the slogan ‘We Can Do It!’ denotes that women can only achieve this through collective effort, and are otherwise weak when independent, further enforcing the stereotype that women are dependent beings.

On the other hand, the modern ad uses the word ‘Yourself’ instead of a plural pronoun, this conveys a value that contradicts that which was shown in WW2 advert, the idea that you should be striving for improvement to satisfy yourself, and not others. In comparison, the modern ad also gives the impression that being a ‘strong’ woman is more to do with fitness and ambitions, whilst the WW2 advert gives the impression that women need to be stronger for the purpose of manual labour. This shows the contrast between the values which were assumed regarding women, in the 20th century, it was assumed that women had no desire to become ‘strong’, and only did so due to external circumstances; however, modern era women do so through personal choice. This has been represented through their attire and posture, in the first advert, the woman is fully clothed in work clothing while the second advert features a woman donning sports attire, signifying that her dedication is due to personal satisfaction such as fitness or appearance etc.

The WW2 advert reflects the identity of women in that era, women were encouraged to join the workforce, but nevertheless, are still subpar to men and did not independently strive to become ‘strong’. Contrary, the present-day ad attempts to challenge the out-dated identity of women and enforced the modern idea that all are equal. Through these two ads, you can see how the values and expectations of women have changed over the generations; similarly, the social norms and perspective that the current society has on certain subjects may also follow a similar path. Things which we would least expect to be viewed in a negative light may not stand beside the same opinions it receives today. The state of social structures can never be guarenteed as ‘right’ or wrong’ as they are all suceptable to change, these adverts, being a clear example.

CAS Profile

For my CAS I will be doing Karate as one of my activities, this activity runs on Monday after school or Wednesdays and thus is rather flexible. In terms of art, I plan on doing pottery which takes place after school on Monday, as for creativity I decided to do Sumo Robotics due to my interest in engineering, this program runs on Tuesday after school. My chosen service is 0-West, which is the same service which I have been doing since grade 9, however, as a second choice, I have selected Techtinkers, which is also a service which I have participated in before.

English Common Task 1

– Target Audience: 13 – 21 American females

  • Easily influenced
    • Does the responsibility fall on the audience for misinterpretation, or the performer for misrepresentation

– Purpose: Entertainment

  • Because people can learn about the culture, can it be considered cultural appreciation as opposed to appropriation?

– Many believed that Japanese women were misrepresented as “submissive” due to the lyrics of the song performed

– ill-received by many Americans; however, praised by the Japanese

  • Who gets to determine whether sometimes is considered cultural appropriation?
    • Who “owns” culture

– Does intent matter? Katy Perry had no ill-intent

  • Are only those who are born into the culture allowed to experience it?

Representation is core to developing relations between communities, those outside the culture can only experience by being part of the culture or through media.

Representation is problematic as it is used as a weapon against groups of people, however, can also be used to solve these problems; it is both the problem and the solution.


Cultural Sensitivity


Cultural sensitivity plays a large role in dictating how retailers should present themselves and their ads in different countries. McDonald’s, for example, advertises themselves in a completely different light in France when in comparison to China.

The french advertisements of McDonald’s have much more of a mature and “posh” air about them, this corresponds with the western stereotype of the French population as more ‘sophisticated’ than Americans, or in this case, the Chinese. This value of elegance has been conveyed through subtle hints in the ad, such as the smaller portion size of the food, the jewlery on the model’s hand, and in general: the clean, symmetrical imagery. The usage of the brand “McCafe” over “McDonald’s” has been done on purpose, as france is a nation with an abundance of coffee shops; Similarily, the macaroon was also chosen intentionally due to it being a popular desert in france, and its close resembalence to haute cuisine, appeals to the french population.


The Chinese ad, on the other hand, is a polar opposite, displaying an action image of a cow on a skateboard, thus completely abandoning the elegance profile and instead taking on a more spontaneous and energetic profile. This has been done to correspond with the fast-paced lifestyle of typical Chinese citizens, and also as a result of the stereotype that the Chinese are not very ‘professional’ or ‘civilised’, explaining the reason why the same style of imagery used in the french ad was not used for china. The rather maximalist design of this ad relates to the belief that ‘more is better’, an ideology that is commonly shared among the Chinese population and can be seen in many of the other ads in china. This type of design style is typically viewed as ‘old-fashioned’ by western countries, hence why it is not used elsewhere, in addition, displaying animals in ads where meat products are promoted is sometimes seen as taboo by foreign countries, due to the rising popularity of veganism and vegetarianism.

Cultural Appropriation (Who Owns Culture?)

In my belief, in the present day more often than not, cultural appropriation is used blindly by people in order to victimize themselves over the actions of others. Personally, I believe that culture is an important foundation of all communities and thus should not be disrespected or in any way exploited; however, I don’t agree with most cases of ‘cultural appropriation’ in the modern society. In addition, I do not think culture is limited to those born into it, and that one must be given ‘permission’ to be allowed to experience another’s culture; culture is collectively owned by the people of its community, therefore how can we know who is entitled to ‘give’ permission? 


However, if one were to blatantly exploit another culture in order to gain benefits such as wealth or popularity (e.g advertisements which us significant cultural symbols) that would be cultural appropriation and should not be tolerated. But if someone simply wears a culturally significant dress despite not being a member of that community, or unbeknownst to them, wears the dress incorrectly; they should not be slandered for their actions as there is no ill-intent behind them. In fact, I believe that cases like these actually somewhat lean towards cultural ‘appreciation’ as opposed to ‘appropriation’. As it can spread awareness and thus can cause others to also become interested in the culture, whilst also educating the wearer themselves.

Representation Through Media

Can text ever be truly representative of groups of people

In my belief, communities and groups of people cannot be represented accurately -without bias, through the form of text. Thus groups of people can never be truly represented, as the perspective of the author will always sway the text. If the author views himself as ‘unbias’ or ‘neutral’, he/she will not be able to understand the emotional values of the representated groups. However, if he/she is bias, the true nature of the represeted group will not be accurately presented.

Who gets to represent a group and who doesn’t? (who gets to tell what?)

All authors are free to write about whatever they desire. But, if an author wants to represent a certain group of people through their text, they must be an active member in that community in order to fully understand them. An author can depict any community they wish too, however, represetation is exclusivly for those which are involved. Otherwise, if an outsider attempts to represent a community which they are not a member off, the ‘representation’ of that group will be very shallow.

Is the act of representation problematic?

Representation in text has played a crucial role in creating social sterotypes, but has also been used to break inaccurate sterotypes. The use of representation in text allows for people to understand different communities and view the world throught the perspective of those represented, this is beneficial for society as it allows for humanity as a whole to become more interconnected. Though, during social reforms, or times off political instability, representation can become very problamatic as advocates will often purposely misrepresent groups of people in order to present them in bad light, sparking controversy and baseless hate.

Maths and Me: Student Homework

IB HL Mathematics

Although mathematics is a subject which I have studied throughout my whole life, its sheer depth and complexity still evokes a sense of uncertainty, as there is always more to be learnt. In regards to starting this course, I feel curious about learning new concepts but at the same time also nervous as to whether I will be able to keep up with the rest of the class, due to the fact that I did not take additional maths in IGCSE.

Personally, I prefer to have someone explain mathematical concepts to me as opposed to independent learning. This is because I am not entirely confident in my math skills and thus I feel a sense of security when concepts are explained by an outside party, as I can be sure of that what I am learning is correct.

In the past, if I found myself ‘stuck’ in mathematics, I would often try to independently solve the issue through whatever resources I had, such as Google and maths textbooks. 

In my view, my greatest strength in maths is diligence. Originally, mathematics was one of my weaker subjects, however, through self-study and persistence I was able to overcome this hurdle and consistently improve my grade throughout the IGCSE course. My biggest area of focus for G11 would be ‘collaboration’, as an introvert I find it difficult to work with others which I am not familiar with, if I can overcome this I will be able to further improve my learning.


Do you get enough sleep?

  1. Yes, I believe I do get enough sleep, I often sleep 8 hours a night which aligns with the research.
  2. I do not have time to take regular naps and I also do not enjoy it.
  3. I do not know whether my school supports napping.
  4. Yes, if I do not get enough sleep I notice that my ability to memorize information and focus is dulled

Noah’s Ark

In the book of Genesis, Humanity was wiped out and reset, with only one family surviving, alongside two of every animal to repopulate. God saw the wicked nature of humans and believed that all humans were evil sinners, and thus he regretted his decision creating them and decided to start with a clean slate, by covering the earth in mountain high floods to kill all living beings. “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them, the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”-Genesis 5:31-10:1 , but there was one man which he favored, and his name was Noah. Noah was a blameless man which did not sin and faithfully walked with God, and because of this God deemed him worthy to survive.

Noah was told of the impending doom of the planet by God and was given instructions to build an ark and carry onboard with him both genders of all animals. Noah did as he was told. Soon the world was covered with water for 40 nights, and after the water cleared the world started a new with Noah and his family at the beginning. In modern culture, there is little to no mention of Noah’s Ark in recent literature and film, though there is still children’s book revolving around the same concept. An example is a comic strip called Boner’s Ark written by Mork Walker in 1968, which tells a light-hearted story of a man and a group of animals surviving a flood, as opposed to the destruction of humanity due to its failures. The retelling of Noah’s Ark has stayed more or less the same throughout its history, but some differences can be seen in the book Boner’s Ark, in Boner’s Ark there is a scene where they realise they have forgotten to bring both genders of every animal for repopulation, however this problem is made fun off as if it is unimportant. This is possibly influenced by the rapid population growth in the 1960s where the population of the USA  increased faster than ever, causing the writer to view the idea as insignificant.




Though it may be unpopular in the modern world, the story of Noah’s Ark is well known due to its powerful but simple message within. In the story, the unimaginable power of God and the consequences of human sins are displayed, conveying that if humans are not following the path of light we will all collectively disappear. Noah, on the other hand, shows how if you faithfully walk with God, you will be protected from disaster, the Ark, is a symbol for the idea that once you are with God, you will be safe forever. This core message is the reason why it is still well known in the present world as it is universal, and can be understood by all people, in all times, and all cultures due to the fact that, although it is from religious text, the message it carries can be applied to anything and everything. This story is also a foundation to my culture as we also believed in collective responsibility, the same concept which ended humanity, this idea is held very highly in my homeland due to its small population and close community, and due to this, Noah’s Ark is a story which is very relatable for me.


Personal Statement

Through my whole life, I have lived in the same country and due to this I developed a quite narrow perspective and understanding of the world since the people who are near to me are often very similar to each other, though recently through coming to an international school, my perspective of the world has been widened.

In the past I have been very much the same as how I am now, all my traits have not changed over time and despite being brought up in a family which encourages social interaction and relationships, I still prefer to be alone. In addition, due to my parents open-minded perspective, I have been given many opportunities to learn new skills throughout my whole life and due to this, I have developed many skills, from playing multiple instruments to life skills such as cooking, alongside academics. My family also encourages independence strongly as my parents have a rather negative view on human loyalty and trust, therefore most of my life I have depended upon myself and avoided trusting others to perform a task which I could do myself. This has lead me to develop an introverted personality which actually conflicts with their beliefs in social interaction.

My goals, in general, follow the idea of comparison. The foundation of all my goals is that I need to be better than others, not be the best I can be. This is once again due to my parent’s ideology that being the best you can is useless in the real world unless you are better than others.