Initiative for Peace Initial Reflection

Initiative for Peace (IfP) is an action-based Peace Education programme that brings together young people from different communities to actively promote cross-cultural understanding, reconciliation and empowerment in former conflict areas.  Since 2001 Ifp has since worked with young people from Kashmir, Timor Leste, Sri Lanka, Mae Sot and Singapore to fulfill their potential as agents of positive change in their communities.

UWCSEA students (aged 17-18) and supporting staff supervisors spend a year planning these conferences, doing everything from sending applications, to planning the conference programme and activities, to finding speakers and raising funds. Our student leaders receive training from specialists in the fields of public administration, conflict resolution, negotiation, facilitation and historical perspectives. They then facilitate and run the conferences with the support of UWCSEA staff in our partner communities. The focus of the IfP conferences is peacebuilding, by young people, for young people. Themes that are often barriers to peace building are explored through interactive and empowering activities, simulations and facilitated discussions. Youth (typically aged 17-19) from various communities in a region are invited to spend a week living together and working in a positive, culturally respectful and collaborative manner exploring identities, recognising similarities and celebrating differences.

I might face a lack of knowledge on  certain conflicts as I am not someone who actively watches or reads the news. I hope that by doing this activity, I can learn more about peacebuilding. Furthermore, I want to be able to showcase my leadership skills as well as collaborate with a diverse group of people (which may present problems of its own that I don’t yet know of).  

Learning Outcomes: 1,2

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