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SWOT Analysis

As I’m starting to develop ideas for CREST awards, I took a Skills Audit test to provide me information on my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to my skills. I was asked 15 varying statements and had to decide how much I relate or not to the statement.

Here is an example of the test

The results of this test goes into 5 different sections; Leadership and Management, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Communication Skills, Time Management and Personal Mastery. For each section you’ll get a score. Here is my SWOT analysis.

S- Strength. According to the test my strength is my Communication Skills, Time Management and Personal Mastery. When thinking about my past experiences of projects, I think my Communication Skills are my strength because I can work well with my group members and I like to spend time on making sure the final product is good (visually and conceptually).

W- Weaknesses. My lowest scoring section was Problem Solving and Decision Making. I often find myself losing time before starting a project because I can’t decide what I want my project to be about. However, I think that when I have to make a decision I can make good ones especially when I’m on a time crunch.

O- Opportunities. I think that this CREST awards project can provide me with the opportunity to practice my skills and also better them. I know the area that I’m interested in is Biology, so to practice my Decision Making process, I can focus mainly looking into topics related Biology. I will also be able to strengthen my Communication Skills when communicating my ideas as well as the intent of my project at the end (research paper).

T- Threats.  A threat can be that there are a lot of choices on a topic I can do that is related to Biology. To prevent this I’m going to focus on how Biology can help the environment and slow climate change.

My scores can be seen below.

Published in CREST Awards


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