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What lockdown has taught me… – COVID 19

The Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, which originated in Wuhan, China, has affected everyone in a span of just a few months. It has changed the way we live; schools/certain jobs are now done remotely online, physical distancing and only going out when it is essential. The circuit breaker in Singapore was first applied from April 7 to May 4, however, was extended until June 1. For nearly 2 months our interactions and daily lives have limited to the confinements of our home. This period has taught me different things about me, my family and my surroundings.

When news started emerging about this new virus it didn’t seem like it would affect me because of the measures Singapore has taken, however, after hearing and reading news about other countries and their struggle this whole situation started to seem surreal. Even more so when the cases in Singapore started increasing rapidly. Due to this situation, I have become more aware of how lucky I am to be living in Singapore and to be in a position where my family can stay home. Although the cases in Singapore has been rapidly increasing (mainly due to dormitory workers) it has a very low death rate and a system to control the spread.

During this period I have started to spend more time with my family. There are times we would all start watching a show or movie on Netflix and watch it together at night. Before this whole situation came about I rarely watch TV with my family but now I like to spend time with them. I think that we get along pretty well considering the amount of time we had to spend together and we even started to cook and prepare meals together. Since all of us are at home, I also have been learning more about what my parents’ jobs entail.

Nowadays most of the news revolves around this virus. We get to see how this pandemic has affected different people in our own country as well as other countries. Something that stuck with me was how interconnected we are- we all can feel the consequences of this virus. Even just going to the supermarket it can be easily seen how we have fewer options and item unavailable due to limited supplies from various countries. This time has also made me feel compassion for people who have lost their jobs and livelihood as this can be the worse time. It has also brought to light the sacrifice and strength of the front-liners who work tirelessly to safe lives.

Although these times are tough and truly testing- all the news about this pandemic can be frustrating and disheartening, I think about how there are people who have way worse. My family is safe and we get to go on with our everyday life just remotely. This pandemic has brought out the worse in some people but I think for the most part it brought solidarity and gave the earth some time to breathe.

Published in Uncategorized


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